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Real music by real people
> Stockholmsgata 12 : 0566 : Oslo : Norway

Jock Jock Loveband
Producer, engineer, studio A manager
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jock (a) urbansound.no / +47 900 83 618

Thomas Thomas Wang
Producer, engineer, studio B manager
>Read more and listen > Discography
thomas (a) urbansound.no / + 47 936 90 460

Henrik Henrik Fossum
Producer, engineer, amazing drummer
> Read more and listen > Spotify playlist
henrikfossum (a) urbansound.no / +47 980 31 016

Aleksander Aleksander Sjølie
Producer, engineer, musician
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Ruben Dalen Ruben Dalen
Producer, drummer, Studio D manager
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Quotes :

" ..fantastic studio with great analog and digital facilities. The staff, especially Jock Loveband, are some of the best I have worked with. They work with you to get the absolute best sound and production ideas for your music. They aren't just turning knobs, they really care about your music.
I love Urban! "

- Tracee Lewis-Meyn (Traces Gospel Choir)

" I have just spent a week mixing an album for Paal Flaata at Urban Sound Studios in Oslo.
A very pleasant experience all round. I have been working with Thomas Wang  who, although a producer and engineer in his own right, has kindly been assisting me. He’s fast and has a ‘musical’ approach when editing or level trimming in Pro-tools, he’s easy-going and truly professional. Its been a pleasure. Thanks! "

- Phill Brown
(mix engineer)

Det herre her låter virkelig dødsfett, Thomas!

- Simen (OnkelP og De Fjerne Slektningene)
- Live mix for Oslo Sessions

" Thomas was a pleasure to work with as a person and a mastermind behind the mixing board. He took our sound to the next level by really working to understand just what the heck we were doing and run with it! "

- Oliver Ackermann (A Place To Bury Strangers)

" In my capacity as a music producer I have worked with Mark as hired session guitarist and as musical collaborator. I would rate Mark as an invaluable creative asset to any musical project. He is highly original and inventive as a guitarist and has intuitive, deep understanding of arrangement and sonics. In my view Mark has the talent to become a genuine, world class producer. "

- David Skeet (Producer)

" Ikke mange som får ha release på et så fantastisk sted som Urban Sound Studios ♥ Kjenner meg så evig takknemlig her jeg sitter med en million sommerfugler i magen og den overveldende følelsen kommer skyllende over meg når jeg tenker på hvor sinnsykt mye hjelp, goodwill og kjærlighet jeg har fått underveis av disse himmelsendte menneskene! "

- Ida Waaler (Artist)

" DUGG gjorde innspillingen av albumet "Et hemmelig sted" hos Urban Sound Studios. Thomas Wang var både produsent & tekniker og bidro i tillegg med instrumentale pålegg. Studioet ble vårt andre hjem i noen travle uker, og bandet opplevde et lokale med en atmosfære som bidro til kreativitet og skaperglede, og en utrolig dyktig produsent som hele tiden pushet oss til å prestere på vårt aller beste. Vårt neste album blir også lagt til Thomas Wang & Urban! "

- Erik Bakk (Dugg)

Urban Sound Studios AS : Marstrandgata 8, 0566 Oslo : +47 22 37 00 94 : Directions & map : Org.nr 985 031 789